Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Intro to being The Fashion Apprentices Assistant

You know what, it's weird, I didn't know what to expect... it's been a journey, an education, a challenge and completely brilliant!

So, here's the "diary" of events, some images (of mine) and an insight into the process that this years lucky pair are going through in these early stages.

I would love to give you some insight into what they are thinking, but you will have to see what they say to get that, this is all about my journey over the last two days and how I intend to use what I have learned and to further my skills in photography on that basis. You will get my thoughts about the apprentices (and it's all good) my thoughts on the process (which is brilliant) and some of my wishes.

Just to wet your appetite, I am gonna drop in a photograph here, one of MY shots from day one! A huge advantage of being an assistant, you get to shoot some of your own shots when the main players have finished! It's awesome! Brilliant set and brilliant model!